Derek Weselake [email protected]
For COLDIRON Studios
Paint-over Examples
In most of these, the level was blocked-in for me. I either ask for or am given a screen, and I paint over or fly-through on my own, add my own lights, make material changes to simplify the paint-over, then screenshot and paint over them. For the Halloween Event, the level is done, but I painted up different set-dressing and storytelling to be added.
Line focused draw-over example
Gameplay concepts - Nick was interested in a concept artist that understands game/level design. So here is some gameplay concepts I did for a 3rd person action game.
I am also making my own game on the side to understand the needs of every department.
Thank you for having a look, and I look forward to possibly working with you all soon :)
[email protected]
[email protected]